Thank you so much for this piece Maria.
This is exactly what I needed to read today.
I've been struggling with this since I started writing on Medium.
Everywhere I look there's a new article about writing every day and it just makes me feel like I'll never be a good writer if I don't have that habit.
Like you, I write because I want to express my thoughts and I find comfort in it, but lately it has been more about "what should I write next" and "will this get more clicks".
That mentality took all the fun out of writing and made it more of a job than a passion.
After reading your article I feel so much better, not only because I'm not the only one going through this, but also because now I feel inspired to go back to writing only when I feel like it, without forcing myself to do it, and about topics that I feel passionate about (even if it's something that won't get that many views).